Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Just a thought

i just realised something. i'm pretty blessed working at this account.

it is a well-known fact that people have to suck up to each other in the corporate world. when you don't want to smile, you have to smile. when you are asked to attend any corporate event, there is only one answer. even if the joke is not funny at all, you have to try laugh.

what crap!

thank God that i don't have to do much of that (if i tell you i don't have to do all these at all, then i'm a big fat liar). people in my account, we are all very straight to the face people. pretty much what you see is what you get. oh man, this is such a blessing.

for eg: during orientation, someone asked my co-worker, mike, what's it like to work in one of your previous accounts? his reply was downright straight --- "it wasn't that enjoyable (something along that line. i can't remember his actual words)"

as for me: someone then asked me what do i do --- my reply was "staring at the screen for most of the time and looking at data" haha..it wasn't that bad as i have described it. at the end of the day, i really do enjoy what i'm doing!

after that mike told me that i should have told them that i helped to convert data into useful information and as for him, when that guy asked him about his thoughts about his previous account, he should have said... well.. working there is a learning experience. kannasai.

life would be so tired if we always try to please people and not be ourself.


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