Tuesday, June 12, 2007

humans hate uncertainties.

however, i have learned to cope and live with it. i guess in life, some things are beyond your control and is really okay to live in the unknown. at least for me, it gets easier as time goes by because... i have the Lord. I have learned to really live by faith and know that he will take care of me.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you: i will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

those close to me will know what's happening in my life the last couple of months. during the last 2 months, my two main companions had been fear and anxiety. to date, i have spoken to at least 4 doctors (a 5th one just a while ago, thanks to DY who is always so concern and even went to ask his doctor friend who is in chicago for more 2nd opinions) and did countless blood tests, xrays, CT scan and read up. still, no one is sure of what exactly is the small little thingy in my lung.

according to the pulmonologist, the highest possibility is that it could very well be valley fever so i have to check back with him every 2-3 months for the next 2 yrs.

anyhow, life still goes on. i don't want to waste my time worrying. life is short. i dont want to look back and regret how silly of me to spend the few months in misery. with people around me who are all in the medical field, i should be fine :))) and also the powerful and mighty Lord.


At 1:05 AM, Blogger just2it said...

you'll be fine, don't worry.


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