Saturday, June 18, 2005

my trip to the DMV

it is 9am now and i just got back from the department of motor vehicles (dmv). i was there at 7:30am and the thing opens at 8am. oh well, that was the recommendation given to me: GO there before they open so i don't have to wait for a life-time just to get my driver's license renewed.

ahh.... that reminds me of something. u know what i miss most back home: the efficiency of singaporeans---everything also must be fast and good. when i first got to the united states, i nearly died of heart attack while waiting for them to get things done. for instance, once when my uncle brought me to the social security office to get my SSN, i waited for like 45 minutes and in the end, the officer told me i needed a letter from my school before they can get that processed. i was in san jose, california then and not in arizona, so there was no way that i can get the letter from my school, actually school hasn't even started yet for me, so i waited for nothing. also, it is a big norm to wait 10-15 mins just to pay for your groceries. after a few years here, i guess i'm used to it already and actually don't really mind the waiting part. haha, cause i get to read magazines for free. see, the supermarket put alot of magazines along the counter and the reason is to tame grouchy customers like me!


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