Friday, March 31, 2006

Life Story

i'm sure these questions have popped up in your head in some time or another.

what do i want in life? if i were to die today, will i die with no regret? why in the world am i here?

on and off, these questions do come up for me and you know what, i think i have an answer for the second question. and actually for the first and last question too..woo hoo.. if i were to die today, no regrets dude because

1) when i want to hug my friends or family, i'll just hug. you know being asians, most of us tend to be more shy and find it hard to display our feelings publicly. i so thank God that I got the chance to come to the united states. here, i learned how to display my affections and not try to hide it. i just really dont want to wait till when that somebody is gone then i start asking myself, why didn't i give this person a hug at that time when i really want to? remember, you only get to live once. you won't get to see the person again in your lifetime once he/she dies(well.. unless he or she is a believer)

2) to me now, though i might have pre-conceived notion that i might not enjoy a certain sport or a certain type of food, i'm GONNA try it. hey serious man, what harm can it cause? the most you either get a serious bruise or get a real bad stomache. no worries man! life's short. try it, if you dont like it, the most dont do it again.

3) i have a wonderful and supportive family. when they need me, i'm definitely there. when i'm in singapore, i spend tonnes of my time with them so... i think i have done relatively well as a daughter, grand-daughter and niece. i've taken my responsiblities well. have you?

4) everything's well. in my 25 years on earth, i get to come here to the united states to study (which i'm ever so grateful to my parents for), i have met some incredible and solid friends (here's the list ------ evelyn chng, yanny, joyce, allan, mark tang, valent, vincent, jon heine, bill, donna, sharon and jon lew, feng yi, peter, stanley, hualun, edwin, patrick chin, patrick, andy, e-lin, hui hui, bixia, richard, clifton, wenyang, louanne, brook etc.. the list goes on) i know that when i need BIG help, there guys will be there.

also, i get to travel to places such as perth, indonesia, thailand, new york city, boston, los angeles, san francisco, yosemite national park, grand canyon etc. i get to go skiling, hiking, looking at a sky seriously full of stars and trying all different sorts of food. life is just beautiful.

i am so thankful for all these things. so i have no regrets for whatever may come. as for purpose in life ---- just being able to wake up everyday is something that we all tend to take for granted.

for me, every single day, 1) i just do the best i can in everything. even if i screw up, i'm like, i did the best dude! no sweat! 2) keep regular contacts with my friends and family. 3) take things easy, don't think so much and try to complicate stuff. 4) last but not least, at the end of the day, reward yourself with a glass of wine or beer. cheers everyone!!!

seriously.. at the end of the day, the person up there, my lord, is in charge so..... everything's in control.

when everything's in control.. it means everything's cool!
(even if something doesn't turn out well, i will not worry too much because i know he will provide me a way out)


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