Monday, July 11, 2005

the horn of her lifetime

someone nearly hit my car today. an idiotic someone!

i was driving to work today and as i was filtering into the turning lane which was on the extreme left, a brainless creature tried to cut from the extreme right to my lane. all that in less than 50m away from the traffic light. and the thing is SHE is driving so damn slow and she thinks that the whole 3 lanes belong to her as she cut her way through. why am i so pissed? cause.....not many people would cut from the extreme right to extreme left when they are so bloody near the traffic light and also why is she taking her own sweet time???

So.. what i did was i gave her the HORN OF HER LIFE-TIME..damn loud and damn long till she just stopped there for a while.

hey woman driver.. i sympathize with you lah cause i'm also a woman but use your brain when driving and check your blind-spot!! (i highly suspect that she saw me coming though)


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