Sunday, September 11, 2005

important questions

even though i am a believer, there are times when i do have doubts in my mind.

questions such as does 1) God really exist and that if he really exists, how can he answer billions of prayer requests from all the people? 2) also, i have a friend who is about to marry a non-believer soon and it says in the bible that we have to marry a believer but what if she proves everyone wrong and eventually does have a happy and blissful marriage, so in that case, is God blessing her?

ah hah!! i finally found some answers to these questions when i spoke to my bible teacher.

1) if we think that God has trouble servicing so many prayer requests.. this shows how SMALL we think God is.

2) if my friend does indeed have a blessed and happy marriage, it is because God is MERCIFUL and not because God is giving his blessing to this marriage.


At 6:55 PM, Blogger Siany said...

you go girl! keep gaining knowledge of heaven... btw. this is Siany.


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