Monday, July 25, 2005

an interview and ....

i'm going for an interview today.

i think for the position of a software distribution analyst. i'm not very sure cause my boss (the company that i'm interning with) told me is a position in software distribution and he never really go into detail in the email. i assume so cause on the company's website, it said software distribution analyst.

anyhow, we had a kick-off celebration for zhenlin's birthday. simran cooked lagsane, complete with garlic bread and salad. and i..... went off to claim jumper and got her a huge
I'Declair (Fresh Baked Eclair with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, Whipped Cream and Helen Grace Hot Fudge). it was so... rich, and after eating that i really feel like puking. but it was good though.

yummi--oooo. thank you simran

the cake.. thank you carol and mark

happy birthday!! faster blow, i WANT to eat the cake


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