Wedding on the way
wau............. one of my good friends from taiwan is getting married.
she caught me by surprise but i'm so so happy for her.
if nothing gets in the way, i would be flying over to san jose to attend her wedding in Jan/Feb (she's having weddings in both the united states and taiwan). i'm so excited!! is so heart-warming. even though united states is not my home, it is scary to think that it could become one.
weddings, friends' birthday, graduations, gatherings ----> all special events in life happen here.
My Weekend
ah...such wonderful weather!!! some places in the united states are getting real cold already but here in tucson, arizona, the weather is still cool and sunny (average 80F daily).
last saturday was a weekend of laughter and joy. the hike was great (still waiting for my friend to send me the pictures), dinner at tony was over satisfying and after that some of us popped over to one of the pubs for some halloween sight-seeing. damn!! we all regretted, should have dressed up, then it would be so much fun. if i'm still here next year, i'll make sure that we all have a costume party. hai... patrick was saying he did thought of throwing a party at his place but don't know why, along the way, he abandoned the idea.
anyhow, talking about patrick... woo hoo.. most prob will be going over to his place for thanksgiving dinner.. actually, there are 2 more invitations but i guess i will only go to two (patrick's and Jon's). oh gosh, i'm going to eat till i puke.
* it took a while before it hits me* ------ 3 thanksgiving dinner invitations , i realised how blessed i am. even though, i'm a foreigner in a "burger land", i felt loved and welcomed.
also, one of my friends asked me if i want to go skiling on the following weekend. oh.... blink blink, that sounds like a great plan (provided there is already snow up in flagstaff or sunrise AND that i have recovered from any possible hang-over) so i told her... we shall see.
even though life is full of problems and it is frustrating at times, i thank God for giving me great companionships from all my friends here. they have given me lots of laughter, support and hugs through this period of time. yeah!!
i'm really looking forward to thanksgiving.. yahoo.. wines (sorry, must bold this, i love wines) + great food + great friends + lots of joy and laughter.. yeah!!
life is good.
my legs are crazily in pain.
yesterday was not a hike, it was THE hike.
anyway, i was not the only one in pain, about 99% of the people who went for the hike are in moaning today.
check out this conversation;
*knock, knock ---- opened the door for patrick*
patrick: ay, how are you?
carol: ah, okay loh
carol: looking for louanne to wash the car for you ah?
patrick: yah
carol: hang on, she's in the bathroom
*turning my back to return to my room* *me walking like a duck*
patrick: wau, why you walk like that ah?
carol: pain lah, you not in pain meh
patrick: haha, the first thing i woke up this morning, my legs were in so much pain so i went back to sleep.
patrick: the second time i woke up, i don't feel my legs being there anymore
carol: haha. i felt paralyzed since yesterdayanyhow it was a good hike. very interesting and challenging. not the boring hikes that we are used to.
got meat??
*argh* my muscles are aching. i think i overdid the weights at the gym yesterday.
need to make sure my body stop aching by tomorrow cause myself and a group of friends are going for a 3 hours hike at picacho peak in the morning. AND.................................................................................
hahaha , we are going to Tony Roma's UNLIMITED RIBS at night. the boys are EXTREMELY excited about it and one of them even called up tony roma's like earlier this week just to make sure that this deal is still on. the response from people has been good (normally, if you ask them something, it will take a while before they give you an answer, but when the heard the word MEAT, the reply was instant).
okay, now on the topic of thanksgiving.
should i .....
1) go to new mexico with jon. he has a farm there and he was thinking of asking us to go celebrate thanksgiving with his family. i love the farm ----- fresh air, new surrounding; away from the noisy, drunk way of celebrating this holiday. also, it is nice to get away from tucson and think about stuff.
2) thanksgiving dinner with patrick. patrick got a new house and he told us that his sister might be driving down from LA to celebrate thanksgiving with him and we can join him too. woo hoo!!! sounds fun cause i know this guy is BIG on FOOD and DRINK..
3) I.... have my own thanksgiving party. this could be my last thanksgiving here and i want to end it with a blast!!
just for YOU who are reading this
you know what coming to the United States has taught most of us (at least for most of us i guess, unless you come from those real top-notch schools in singapore, then i suppose, you already have this thing in you)
c'mon, stop living in that situation. some people may wonder how come this side of the camp didn't seem to have any response even though the case seems to be still going STRONG on her blog? ---- BECAUSE ------ WE HAVE SWITCH OFF & JUST DOESN'T WANT TO PURSUE THE MATTER ANYMORE -------- AND that doesn't mean we have got nothing to shot back at all the statements that were made there.
the thing is so what, say here, say there, it is really worth the time.
the world is bigger than we thought!
& don't you ever dare to talk about respect okay!!!
all is well
studying here is GOOD. there is an easy way to make money without using much of my brain and limbs. i just made like $19 USD (31 Sin) from doing a half an hour experiment and the best thing is that they always have many of such experiments in a week. all i had to was think a little bit (it is an economic experiment) and start clicking on the mouse.
some of you who had been reading my blog will know that mark and i had a fantastic huge quarrel recently. it was the worst ever cause never once had we NOT TALK to each other for so long (5 days to be exact) as it was not a small incident. i prayed alot during this time and did alot of thinking, and i think i should give mark a second chance. also, the stuff that he did was too funny not to forgive - the best one is below, he went to draw tear drops on the already poor looking puppy.
Lindt dark chocolate. THE BEST! + already DIE-D sunflowers
well, there are still other problems in my life but i have learned to not be so bitter and also not take them too personally anymore cause i believe that God has his reasons for giving me trials in life.
the second half of the post is for those who have been worrying about me. i'm pretty fine now.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR CONCERN! cheers my friends :)
my abercrombie pullover. this is the one that i bought.
should i change to the white one instead?
stress free day!
the past weeks had been disaster after disaster. it was really nice to finally take a break and get away from all these. so, louanne and i went up to phoenix to SHOP. YES!! just the two of us, and it was uber fun and a much-needed getaway for me.
to start of the day. we went to in-and-out burger. it is the best burger joint in town cause the ingredients are FRESH. the patties are not frozen and it is CHEAP!!! burger+fries+vanilla milk shake are only $4.
also, i found out a stupid thing about neiman marcus. this place is like Takashimaya in singapore, sell really expensive stuff and you know what!! they don't accept VISA, MASTERCARD & DEBIT. haha this is the stupiest thing i ever heard and majority of their stuff are those high-end ones. louanne wanted to buy a laura mercier tinted moisturer from them but since they don't accept any VISA, we went over to nordstrom instead. bye bye neiman marcus, you just lost one customer.
*hah! what if people want to buy a $500 USD dress, they have to bring CASH there isit??*
anyway.. that girl is really a make-up shopaholic, cause she not only bought that tinted moisturer but also more stuff from sephora.
as for me, i'm a clothing kind of gal. i bought a pullover from abercrombie and fitch (sorry didn't manage to post that picture). also, im very tempted to buy a pair of shoes from ALDO but held back cause that was like $70 USD. well, let's wait and see!!
anyhow we ended the day with a bang ---- FRIED CHICKEN FROM CHURCH'S
grow up!
stop shooting all those LONGGGGG EMAILS.. it is just not worth anyone's time.
since each of of us has our own reasons to justify our thoughts and reasonings so what's the point of arguing back and forth. IT IS A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME!!! GET IT!!!
that's it.
p/s: wenyang, you are SO lucky not to be involved but POOR Clifton, sorry bro, you got your ass shot at.
you said that we didn't trust you. i want to tell you that the trust was there till the words came out from your mouth.
louanne trusted you till the very last minutes. when she saw the 2nd latest post in your blog, she still held on to the fact that you could be referring to someone else.
as for me, after the last msn we had, you told me that i shouldn't judge you first and at the end of it, i DID believe that there is more to the surface and that YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
for 3 years that i have known louanne, i have never seen her shedding a single tear over friendship problems.
also, do not think that i am violent. NEVER IN MY LIFE have i smashed my hand into the wall and neither have i slammed the door at a friend. this is the very first time and it didn't hurt as much as the things YOU SAID TO US.
so what if he was the one who initiated this relationship and that you tired you best in helping him and his wife. the FACT is that in the end, you DID END UP WITH HIM.
you know what is so disappointing and sad. that, you said that we always think that we are wise, very high and mightly. if we don't even give a DAMN SHIT about you, we wouldn't even bother talking to you about this.
YES. we are at fault too. you know what is it. it is that we too fucking care about this friendship that we have with you. THIS IS OUR DAMN FAULT.
please just give me one good reason why i should just hang on to this relationship. just one please.
my heart is completely shattered.
the last time i remembered crying like this was when my grandfather passed away.
i have never fear a person before. why must i fear someone that i used to love? why?
the dent on my door and everytime i tried to lock the upper knob of the door will always remind me of this day.
halloween is coming to town
yesterday night was full of excitment and loads of fun.
as halloween is near, a bunch of us decided to head off to buckelew farm pumpkim to have some fun in the haunted corn maze. the corn maze was divided into 2 parts - $8 if you just want to wander through the maze and try to figure a way out, $15 if you want to go for the haunted corn maze and also the above mentioned one. WE, OF COURSE chose the $15 one cause we need to spice up our life here in tucson.
however, the haunted one is not that scary anyway (but being the timid one around, i think i screamed the most) but it was a good experience though. mark kept on whinning and whinning, saying that it was not scary at all so we all decided to go back to the haunted maze a second time.. frikin bo liao!!
also, partly because of him, i tripped over a tombstone and nearly lost my glasses. damn! anyhow all is good. i had fun (though my leg is aching by the time i left the maze cause we merry-go-round the place a gazillion times).
i didn't take any pictures cause i didn't want to loose my camera in the maze while running abt.. if you interested, check out the link by clicking below:
Are you brave enough to enter the unknown?
my psychiatrist
i went to see my psychiatrist today - Jon; oh man i felt so much better after that. i like him.. he makes me feel much better and + he is free of charge. (he is my bible teacher lah :)
when i told him that i don't feel blessed at all and that God seems like a billion light years away from me, he took out a paper and started questioning me about the things that i have.
here is the list:
2 eyes
2 legs
2 ears
good health
neat fellowship
foreign education
confortable living
eternal life
the word
holy spirit
cell phone
family (when i told him, my mum would actually fed-ex over food from singapore when i asked her to, he rolled his eyes even more. haha!)
aren't you blessed with all these things? why are you so consumed with the job issue?
i am very disappointed. i didn't make it to the 2nd round of Deloitte interviewing.
i'm not sure if God ultimately plans to have me stay in tucson but as of right now, i don't really feel him in my life.
i feel that he has used me to to work in the lives of a few people recently but in my life personally, i feel that he is really far far away.
in the bible, there are many promises and i do still hold on the fact that that "if you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given you"
i do wish to stay in tucson for a few reasons though;
1) i will be able to continue my bible studying with jon
2) mark is here
3) i do love tucson. even though it is full of senior citizens, it is a place where the weather is warm and sunny 360 days in a year and i love sunshine. + i feel loved here!!
maybe God does want me to stay in tucson. i guess in a few weeks' time, i will know the answer.
i have an interview with one of the Big Four Consulting firms in the U.S. wish me luck!!more pumpkin pictures!!
i love all the pictures on the apple farm.. this is from my friend's camera. since i love the photos so much, im going to post more
Rodney's again
apple farm
i went to the apple farm yesterday. it was so cool!! actually they not only have apples, but pumpkins and pears as well. all of us picked like 2 buckets worth of stuff.
also, i tried the traditional kind of ice-cream. it was real yummi.
apples, pumpkins yum yum
me and mark at the farm. it was a beautiful day
apple tree
more pictures --- apples on the tree
apples everything
so cute right!!
tasting session
some pear and ice-cream tasting (pumpkin and apple, yummy) !
mark from SINGAPORE and tee wei from MALAYSIA shaking hands after their treaty talk regarding apples and pears!
harvest charges
evelyn, me and louanne!!
huge piece of thing
haha!! this HUGE thing will take up to go pick the apples and pears. my friend, jon says he is going to pick at least 10 apples just for himself
us at rodney's! can't wait to eat the ribs
ribs at rodney's
the meat is real tender! and boy, what a treat after a day of picking apples and pears.
raining and hailing on the way back home
the weather was great through the day but as we were driving home, it started raining real badly. it was pretty impossible to see the car in front of you. also, it was hailing. woo.. what a big change in weather from a few hours ago.
my favourite pizza!
basil tomato, basil tomato, basil tomato, basil tomato
this is the best combination for pizza!!!!!!! i had that at no anchovies yesterday and it was amazingly good. mark and i wanted to just get a short drink before heading for our fellowship yesterday but we were abit hungry, so we ended up ordering 2 slices to go with our beer.
it was so.......... good.
+ i'm not a pizza person, however, this combi is just fantastic - simple and GOOD.
below are what i have compiled during my few years here in the united states! have fun & enjoy
there are too many photos, i'm going to upload the others when i'm free! especially my trip to places here.
thanksgiving dinner. tonnes of food again and great fun
haha.. this is funny. this is the majong manual. courtesy of zhenlin.
singaporeans and malaysians cook-out session!
louanne's 21th birthday. we went up to a restaurant called the fish market in phoenix. the food wasn't as good as the one in san diego.
wenyang, me, mark and louanne drove up to patagonia lake in tucson. we had a little picnic there and a dip in the water. fun fun fun
BBQ time in the spring. so fun with so many friends around
my friend's wedding here in tucson. it was really beautiful and the weather was perfecto!

the 6 of us at san diego. it was SOOOOOO.... fun. best trip ever!
chinese new year cebebration!! it was a blast and downright fun
one day, we were all so bored, we started taking pictures using webcam.
random picutures. we were at phoenix and sabino canyon (went there for a hike). the stupid guy in the blue t-shirt is take from japan.. so irresponsible person
mount lemmon
mount lemmon - about 45 mins drive up from tucson. they have good pies there! the pictures were taken with the F-16 pilots from singapore. they were here for 6-9 months training.