My thanksgiving FEASTS
i like this year's thanksgiving. i had enough food, lots of joy and enough rest. for the past thanksgivings, i used to have parties at my place with wenyang, clifton and louanne. well, this year is abit different.. i get to go to people's houses and let them do the cleaning instead.... I LIKE THAT!!
1st round of feast is at Jon's place. the mum cooks really good glutinous rice. okay, don't ask me why glutinous rice.. the most important thing is that it is GooD
the weather WAS great. clear sky, great friends to hang out with. nothing is better than all these .. (hm... maybe a bottle of beer would complete it all)
Game time at Jon's place!!! the others were busy checking out the good deals the next day..
the bird waiting to be slaughtered.. this is at patrick's place. i forgot to take a picture of the bird at Jon's place cause i was too busy EATING it
the GREAT BIG BIRD!!!it was seriously good man. they soaked it in like basil, italian seasoning and all sorts of stuff.. even though earlier in the day, i had one already, i could still eat that at night.
pat's sister and brother-in-law cooked fantastically well and he, himself is such a great host too... why?? because there are more wines on the table than food. there are a total of about 9 bottles of wines waiting for consumption.
Weather sucks
-3 degree celcius (27 degree F) NOW.
i am not a very happy gal.
My weekend so far
goooooooooood morning everyone. it's thanksgiving today!!
today is gonna be a whirlwind of activities. the whole afternoon is gonna be spent at Jon's place and then after that, we will head towards pat's place for more of that big bird. i would really much like to go for the Black Friday Sale (which starts like 5am tomorrow), but then, it all depends on how much energy i have left and whether my brain is still intact after tonight. also, i had to factor in the fact that i have another post-thanksgiving lunch to go to tomorrow. well... i shall go with the flow.
anyhow, yesterday, i went to gandhi for lunch. it was pretty good but then the 3 of us still prefer punjabi (another indian restaurant down the road). the latter has more varieties of stuff though Gandhi has more flavor in its food and is cheaper.
i'm prep for winter and a BIG MEAL. killing time while waiting for Pat to pick us up.
the reviews are good man.. if you are into vegetarian food, then you should go there. they serve some meat too!!
my 1st round of pigging
by the way, though we are FULL-TIME students and are supposed to live on maggie noodles and junk food, i realised that we are FAR FAR AWAY from that lifestyle. Mark is a super duper good cook and we all eat really well. the food might look expensive but it is not. it is the wizard in him that can come up with such wonderful stuff. also, another great chef is coming back soon... yeah!!!
Sneak look at my dinner. roast beef with baked potatoes and carrots
after dinner activity.. we were waiting to go for movie. mark is monkeying around... trying to imitate Ray Charles. he damn funny sia!!!
okay guys... need to go wash up. there are alot of things on the agenda today.
will be back with more pictures!!!
Winter Winter!
argh!! it is OFFICIALLY winter.
but then, no complains. God has been really good to us. this winter came really late. by now, we should be bundled up like ba chang (rice dumpling), but for the past few afternoons, i can still go out in my skirt.
but today when i woke up, the sky is downright gloomy and when i checked the weather for the next few days, it's gonna be coldddd.
so............................. what is winter to me??
winter = = annual growing fat season has began.
winter = = even if you put on weight, it is hard to tell cause you look fat already.
winter = = don't have to go gym.. haha it is an excuse for me.
in summary, just eat and be chubby ;)
so............................. since tomorrow is the start of thanksgiving and mark has his 1st two classes cancelled today, we decided to go eat indian buffet. yah!! what a good start to lubricate my stomache before the big day tomorrow.
i'm back!!! boys and girls.
i did alot of damage and i think my dad is not going to be very happy with me. haha.. but then, at the expense of him, it will make 3 other people very happy.
i just bought clothes for my mum, auntie and brother (i already bought my dad a sweater long time ago). at the same time, i bought my graduation gown too..
the red baseball shirt is for my aunt. she damn funky so i think she will like that. the blue collar shirt is for my mum (more cool and steady!!) and the blue t-shirt is for my bro... he wants t-shirt.
No class today.
argh!! the professor cancelled class today without telling us.
he made me walk to school for nothing. argh!
since i have nothing to do now, i'm very tempted to go on a shopping spree on school stuff for my family. i intend to get them some school souvenirs.
the evil mind is working...
i DECLARE this week as NO WORRIES week and FUN FUN FUN!!
Yay!! thanksgiving ==lots and lots of food. lots and lots of liquid + lots and lots of fun, laughter.
On the topic of friends.... FROM SINGAPORE
everytime when i'm in my sad or in my disappointment phase, i am so thankful for my friends in singapore. woo hoo.. they rock so much.
i haven't been home for like a year and a half. everytime when i'm online talking to my friends, the most-asked question is "When are you coming back". this question is like "When are you getting married huh? You are not young already" to some people. sometimes, it gets annoying because there is no answer to both the questions, but yet, you know that there are questions of concern (emm... maybe the 2nd question is more of like some kaypo question from some old aunties).
it is nice to know that people do miss you back home and that your presence does make a difference. i don't know why, every single shit time (esp when i'm sad), i feel so much happier after talking to crazy people in singapore.
friends do make a difference in life. don't they?
Ah... malaysia
reading some blogs from malaysia got me thinking about that country.
hmm... malaysia does have some memories for me.
i love their food. frickin authentic and pretty cheap (maybe not in KL).
i remember, during my secondary school days, i used to go there with my uncle, his wife and his wife's sisters nearly every June or Dec. yeah! one big whole ging-gang of us. it was fun. we spent the days eating and shopping (going to malls and pasar malam).
i also went there with another uncle of mine (the most fun one). he got tickets to watch brazil vs malaysia and the best thing ----- everything's on corporate account. woo hoo... so he got his wife, me and my brother over there. it was so..... fun.
i think i was about 18 then. he rented a car and we drove up. however, he needed to do some PRing so after we checked in, we had to immediately go over to a pub to meet up with his friends. oh my... i wasn't prepared for it. his friends kept on ordering drinks, i would have enjoyed that BUT.............. i haven't had my dinner. by 10, i was like I NEED DINNER, if not i'm going to knock out soon. i haven't had food for a long long time.
finally, finally.. we ate. that was like midnight. i nearly die of hunger. anyhow, the trip was really fun. we spent the days shopping (on his account) and eating (typical of singaporeans lah).
also, you know what i do most when i go in there (esp Johor). SUPERMARKET!! the things there are so cheap cause of ringgit. haha.. i like to shop as if i own the supermarket. everytime... and i mean everytime.. the boot of the car will always be full beyond full.
malaysia does bring back beautiful memories. BUT the most important of all.. my uncles brought me those great memories. i miss them.
nothing much
i don't know what i should blog about.
nothing particular had happened the past few days. oh well, maybe a small little thing that i have read a while ago, for which i find no sense to be agitated about.
life has been pretty relaxing. nothing much for school. i guess the only agenda i have now is to get a job.
my family are popping over soon. in about 3 weeks time to be exact. that's pretty cool!
thanksgiving is next week. you know what i realised, thanksgiving now is what chinese new year is to me in singapore. you go around places and have a real good time with friends who truely care for each other. most friends to me here are pretty much part of my family. this thanksgiving, i will be going to patrick's and jon lo's place. one turkey after another. woo hoo.
ah yes! the only thing that got me really worked out was --- i asked my aunt to just get ONE down jacket but i do not understand why in the end, she got TWO. 1 downjacket is not cheap. sometime even i, being a woman finds it hard to understand other women too.
what a lesson learned!
MINDBLOWING. this is how i would describe my day today.
last week, a lady from Bayer called to schedule for a phone interview. she gave me 2 time slots --- 1:30pm on the following friday or 8:45pm on thursday. i chose the former.
okay, here's what happen today: i was pretty relaxed and after my gym session at 11:30am, i came home. i took my phone to the bathroom while i took a shower (the reason why was that before that i got a miss call). THEN, THE PHONE RANG AGAIN, i quickly jumped out (with water dripping on the floor) to answer it.
lady: Hi, this is *** calling from Bayer.
me: (*oh my god, why is she calling me at this time??*)
me to lady: err.. i thought my interview was supposed to be at 1:30pm.
lady: Yes, you are right. BUT.....1:30pm EASTERN TIME
me: what the heck??? (*in complete shock*) (*i can't have the interview now cause i'm IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SHOWER!!!!*)
me to lady: can i call you back in 5 min's time?
lady: let me call you back but then you will only be left with 20 min for the interview
MORAL OF THE STORY: when you have a phone interview, make sure to ask whether it is eastern time, mountain time or whatever time they have here in the united states.
p/s: tucson is mountain time, which is 2 hours behind eastern time currently.
Partners in crime
when you have a beautiful weather outside but are stuck in the lab with two other friends and a boring lab assignment to do.
what do you do then?
---------------->pack your bag and smuggle out for some fresh air and food. that is what we did.
ah.. fresh air.
it was great!
The truth
i like this passage that i came across.
It turns out that we humans reason largely by means of our hearts and not by our heads. As French mathematician and theologian Blaise Pascal noted long ago, "The heart has reasons that reason does not know."
daily bread
On working
i actually like working. i like the stuff that i'm doing and i like my collegues.
however, the problem is getting my ass to the office. once i'm there, i'm ready to rock and roll but first i need to drag myself out of the bed.
Tony roma's ribs!
tony roma's unlimited ribs
fricking tall catus & a clear blue sky
catus, mountains.
Homecoming weekend
let me present everyone ------------------- University of Arizona homecoming weekend!! it was great. the weather is super duper good and the parade was fun and funny.
after that, i brought louanne to a well-kept secret cafe in tucson. the place is so... cozy, coffee is great and pastry is good and cheap -- just like the good old days in singapore. mark was the first to discover it and he brought me there. another reason why i love that place is the crowd, pretty unique mix of professionals and students.
Eller school of management chocolate gold coin. yummy!! mark is busy eating his food, behind mark is yanny, behind yanny is desha.
le me introduce ----- wilbur wildcat, our school mascot and his gf. he is looking at me...muahaha
the cat is damn cool and the guy in the tub seems to be enjoying himself very much.
Uber big cars. the trucks are humogeous. people are crazy man.. damn funny to watch. the picture in the middle ---- the asian students association
haha..we don't have to go to mardi gras to get our free beads.
Random stuff
*continuing from my last post*
i realized that i am able to get alot of things without much effort.
however, i do not seek materialistic stuff in life. if i can get nice clothes, that's sweet, if i can eat at restaurants, that's good. but, i don't need to have all these.
if i can trade, i want my family and good friends around me to be happy and healthy.
not long ago, i nearly wanted to fly back singapore (just for a week) so that i can solve some stuff. i was checking on prices already and prepared to put everything on the credit card. i spoke to my mum, she didn't have any violent objections about me coming back, my aunt was okay with that. i realised that ooo.. that was easy. my family has been real easy with me and i'm not sure if that is good or bad.
but then suddenly, it came to dawn on me that there are many people out there w/o food, students working their ass off for a degree, my parents work hard to send me over here. $1000 USD just to go back singapore for a week??? and try to play God. that's pretty insane!
i know that if i %$%^& want to do it, i can.....but, the world is not me and just me alone. if i go back, it will only satisfy what i want, but then, my mum has to pay the ticket, and that bloody $1000 can do alot of stuff.
I like to be alone
i like today.
i went to grab a coffee on my own.
walked around the school. went to urban outfitters.
at night, went to fry's to get some toilet paper and then off to target; managed to get a pair of kakis pants.
i like to be alone. it gives me much needed peace and space. i don't know why i'm blogging this. i just want to.
in the mist of all troubles and problems, my mum still can call me to ask if she can forge my signature cause she is applying a credit card for me. i'm like huh?? also, she asked what prima deli packet i want, so that she can buy and bring over for me. i do not need anything just peace.
how can people deviate like the speed of light??
1 class down and my look!!
one class officially down. 2 more to go and then SAYONARA to school.
the exam this morning is either i A's it or screw it.
*the following passage is not recommended for reading if you are age --- 27 and above*
i went to trader joe yesterday to get some wine and beer and the guy behind the counter told me that i don't look my age. i look much younger than my actual year of birth. he says that i should happy with such comment and i'm like, yah, but what if i forget to bring my ID??
i have been getting alot of such comments lately --- even my collegues from my company says the same thing. they were hesitant about asking me to go for happy hours cause they think i'm like 18. i'm like *&%^*&^*&.
Exam knowledge
exam in 10 minutes time
knowledge of the subject -------------------------------- 10 out of 100
if i can A's the damn thing, i will be pretty impress.
i need some freaking MOTIVATION stick in my head.
if i'm going to die, i know what i'm going to die of -------> radiation from cell phone
for the past weeks, i have been on the phone with my mum pretty much every other day. also, my favourite uncle called me yesterday night and we spoke for nearly 2 hours.
it is really nice to hear that he initially wanted to come for my graduation but due to some reasons, he is advised not to. it is okay, i'm totally fine with that.