weekend mucks mucks!!
i need a good rest man; been waking up so seriously early in the morning and i don't think it is too good/healthy for me (next time, when i get old, there will be many such days for me so i don't want to start this too soon) ;) anyhow i want to thank and praise God for giving me the strength each day and do the best in everything possible.
anyhow, this coming sat, 1st october is our ~1.5 yr anniversary. we might be going to a french place near school. i went there for lunch the last time and LOVE their pork loin sandwich. i hope the dinner stuff is just as good.
time flies, i can't deny that at times, mark does drive me to the wall and vice versa (i could have been in prison now for murder charges) but all thanks to God's grace, he has helped us alot in our relationship and it is real amazing.
love ya tang peh!!
lovely poem!
Anger is a condition in which
the tongue works faster than the mind.
You can't change the past,
but you can ruin the present
by worrying over the future.
Love...and you shall be loved.
God always gives His best to those
who leave the choice with Him.
All people smile in the same language.
Everyone needs to be loved...
especially when they do not deserve it.
The real measure of a man's wealth
is what he has invested in eternity.
Laughter is God's sunshine.
Everyone has beauty
but not everyone sees it.
It's important for parents to live
the same things they teach.
Thank God for what you have,
TRUST GOD for what you need.
If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow,
you have no today to be thankful for.
Man looks at outward appearance
but the Lord looks within.
The choice you make today
will usually affect tomorrow.
Take time to laugh, for it is
the music of the soul.
Patience is the ability to idle your motor
when you feel like stripping your gears.
Love is strengthened by working
through conflicts together.
Harsh words break no bones
but they do break hearts.
To get out of a difficulty,
one usually must go through it.
We take for granted the things
that we should be giving thanks for.
Love is the only thing that can be
divided without being diminished.
Happiness is enhanced by others
but does not depend upon others.
For every minute you are angry with someone,
you lose 60 seconds of happiness
that you can never get back.
Do what you can, for who you can,
with what you have, and where you are.
what's up with singapore these days?
you know what is the big stir in singapore right now? that schools are suspending students because of stuff they write in their blog.
hmm... where is the line, how then should it be defined?
because of the typical asian culture; that we should respect our teachers and even if we are not happy or think that certain things should be improved to help in our learning process, we are NOT ENCOURAGED to voice out our opinions BECAUSE IT IS SIMPLY DISRESPECTFUL.
okay dudeS, look here.. i know that singapore is trying to be like the americans.. you know!!! (skip the o's and go straight to university and also by building that 2 huge durians along the esplanade to instill this culture thingy in us)
BUT do you know what really makes the AMERICANS successful? it is their willingness to accept feedbacks and to make necessary changes. i have been here for about 3.5 years already and everytime i'm unhappy/happy with my professor, i can go up to her/him without fear and tell her/him about my displeasure/opinions. they really welcome such opinions. there are so many stories to tell but i'm jaz really lazy to type them out. in addition, i need to fill out feedback forms every semester for all my classes and my professors will tell us all to TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY coz they DO TAKE ALL FEEDBACKS SERIOUSLY TOO.
durian that doesn't smell
my company training and stupid administrative stuff
i have been waking up at 6+ the past few days cause i need to go for siebel training that my company arranged for me. i like it... and it feels good that the department takes me seriously as an intern and the training is not boring at all.. haha i'm the only trainee in the class so i have got ALL the attention from my instructor.. that is so cool..
by the way, i heard a pretty stupid thing the other day when i went for my degree check. my advisor told me i need to pay US$35 for administrative stuff for my graduation. i'm like what the heck?? i'm graduating and what kind of stupid administrative stuff do they need to do.. you mean by paying that $35, they will reserve a parking spot of me ah. also, she asked me which address i would want my diploma to be sent to --- of course SINGAPORE LAH.. to make my money worth!
--- for $35 i can go to the brazilian restaurant in phoenix.. (the one that they go round the table with skewed of meats)
--- i can shop for more clothes
--- that is my 2+ weeks worth of groceries
--- i can buy a case of wines
--- that is my 1 full tank worth of gas (with some extra, depends on how much more the gas prices go up)
hah.. i know some of you must be thinking... complain so much then don't go for graduation lah.. i will still go just because my family is coming and all my friends are gonna be there.
p/s: I'M A HUMAN AND I CAN MAKE SPELLING MISTAKES TOO!! + sometimes i'm just lazy/in a rush/can't be bothered to proof-read my blog or anything that don't have to do with school or work. So, please excuse me.
i love mark
to cheer me up, mark bought some real cool stuff for me.
a comic..and a miniature tommy summer edition perfume.. he bought a miniature first, just in case i don't like it. if i like it, he's gonna get me one. AND I LOVE IT!
temporarily treasures
i bought the gorilla for mark from Origin.. so cute and it looks just like him.. his name is HOPE. also, this name really reflects what i really need now.. + FAITH.
also, me and louanne bought some hair wash thingy from there too
shoes from ALDO
i bought this from school yesterday.. gonna give it to my dad when he comes
my new phone.. samsung x495
i understand
In Isaiah 55, the Lord described our inability to understand His methods.
He said, "'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' says the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.
thoughts of life
is life like a pit hole instead of a box of chocolate?
when you just begin falling into the hole, at least there is still some light but as you fall deeper, it gets darker and darker. isn't that the same as the best period in life is when you are a child and it gets shittier as you grow older.
or is it true that as mark says, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel?
i'm still very troubled. i feel that my world is crushing down.
may God sustain me and give me hope.
interview update
just a quick update
the manager finally got back to me cause i told him that the other company is waiting for me to start on my internship and i need an answer soon as to whether they want to employ me for a part-time position first before converting me to full-time.
the reply was "we see you as a very good fit for the company but unfortunately, i wanted someone that can start work straight away. call me when you are close to graduating if you are still interested. good luck. hope to hear from you soon".
mark says that i got the best of both worlds and that i don't have to be disappointed. i can carrying on working for my previous company first (then i don't have to break my promise to them) and also, i have already established a good contact with this recent one and i just have to call them maybe in november. we shall see...
comfort food for me
when i'm depressed, i like to eat some comfort food.
i already had some chocolate cookies to begin with this morning. for lunch, i had my all-time favorite korean maggie noodle ---- Shin Ranyun (hot and spicy)
tonight, i'm going to nimbus brewery. what goes well with beer man.... of course is burger and fried stuff!!!
after that, i'm gonna watch this weird thing called the roller derby in which girls on skates knock the heck out of other girls on skates. i think it is kind of stupid but oh well, let me go and see and i will give y'all a verdict. by the way, i call it the teletubbie.
the issue about faith
will guys stray regardless of their age?
in these times, seriously man, it is hard to find someone who will be 100% true to you.
this proves one thing: that i have been right all along, even those closest to you will betray you.
why i would want a private bank account when i get marrried (even though as believers, we are supposed to trust each other and God says that when two are married, they will be unite as one).... the reason---JUST IN CASE.
*for all you sensitive souls out there, don't worry, it is NOT mark that i am talking about*
crap.. i don't know what that heck happen. suddenly, the browser just shuts down and asks me if i want to send an error report.
the next thing i know, all my bookmarks are gone..
so pple, better copy down all your important links
random thought(s)
while walking to school today, a few random thoughts jaz got me thinking about the past.
ah!! my ex is actually getting married.. oh my, i still can't believe it. he is getting married this month.. i'm still pretty close with him cause i have known him for like 9 years already!! i'm happy for him, jaz that i feel weird knowing that he is going to get married.. how time flies..
when we were younger, he, me and a bunch people used to drink together, go on last-minute cruises together and i don't know... we did a crap whole of stuff.. and now he is embarking on another stage in life..
now as i'm writing, i can't remember what the rest of the random thoughts are.. my memory sucks nowadays. both my brain and my hand just don't feel like working, i have homeworks that are still waiting for me to get them done.
my interview
i went for an interview yesterday. it went pretty good and this morning the boss told me that i would really fit into the company, JUST that he would prefer someone who can start immediately. either way, he wants me to go back in and meet some other people.. so i don't really know what he wants.
also, he asked me to go find out how many hours can an international student work part-time. oh well, i think i would get an answer from him by the end of the week.
i really love the people there (err... maybe i shouldn't generalize.. but at least the 3 who interviewed me; 2 of them look frickin young)
*finger crossed*
i'm sick. i'm down with sore throat and a headache.
not sure if it is because of the fried chicken i had yesterday or the 3 straight nights of drinking (YES!! i went for a short little drink again on saturday night cause my friend came down from phoenix).
anyway, on saturday night, i went to No Anchovies (frog and firken's neighour).. hah!! that place looks really different at night. in the day, it looks super duper regular --- a no-frill kind of pizza place BUT at night, it looks kind of happening with its BIG WHITE UMBRELLA.
err... i'm not sure if mark is going to kill me so pls IGNORE HIM in this picture.. my purpose is to show the BIG WHITE UMBRELLA
BETTER show a cute-looking one of him also..
important questions
even though i am a believer, there are times when i do have doubts in my mind.
questions such as does 1) God really exist and that if he really exists, how can he answer billions of prayer requests from all the people? 2) also, i have a friend who is about to marry a non-believer soon and it says in the bible that we have to marry a believer but what if she proves everyone wrong and eventually does have a happy and blissful marriage, so in that case, is God blessing her?
ah hah!! i finally found some answers to these questions when i spoke to my bible teacher.
1) if we think that God has trouble servicing so many prayer requests.. this shows how SMALL we think God is.
2) if my friend does indeed have a blessed and happy marriage, it is because God is MERCIFUL and not because God is giving his blessing to this marriage.
Frog and Firkin
i was at frog and firkin on thursday for some chill out session and on friday for dinner.
some random pictures!
i like this picture of zhenlin (please pronouns it as ZEN---LIN
Yummmyy oooo.. Deep Dish PIZZA!! gonna bring my parents here when they come
i like this BLURRY picture
i'm a happy girl
i just got home.
after the stupid boring talk about the clubs, zhenlin and i went to frog and firkin to chill out. we talked about anything and everything and i told her that we need to have this drinking session at least once a week.
oh NO............... i think i haven't been drinking for a while cause after like 2 glasses of beer ( i had the samual adams cider and stella artois) and 1 glass of wine at home, i'm feeeling high!! need to rebuilt my level!
anyway i HATE to get drunk, i like to feel just nice === high..
University of Arizona most boring event
in a few hours time, i'm going to attend the MOST BORING event on earth----university of arizona clubs meeting. basically you just go there, fill in some forms and sit there for two hours to hear them CHANT..
for the past 2 days, i have been thinking of ways to excuse myself from this event but damn... i guess they know all the tricks that students come up with so now they require us to sign in before the meeting begins and sign out again when everything ends. crap... since when did the school become so smart???
p/s: i'm representing the bite-size singaporean club
Agassi Agassi Agassi
agassi is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously, you guys should have watched the match between him and james blake. my heart is near my mouth when watching that match.
okay, before i continue. i just want to let you guys know that i'm not like super into tennis and neither do i play tennis well. mark was watching the match for like 2 hours and he had been trying to get me sit down and watch. but i can't sit still so i had been running around the house doing my own stuff. thus, i didn't really get to watch it till the last 45 mins or so... and oh my, it was DOWNRIGHT exciting man!!! i thought agassi was going to lose but he made a fantastic comeback in the last 10 mins. i can't put the last 10mins into words. you have to watch it to know why am i so EXCITED!!!!!!
that guy is amazing man!!! AGASSIIIIIIIIIIII the MAN!
record high
i only took 15 mins for the exam. this is the 1st time in my life that i walked out of the place that fast. please don't think that i never checked my paper after i was done, i went through the whole exam twice!!
haha, damn funny. can't believe it!! all along, i have been used to either not having enough time or able to complete it just in time. there was once, one of my friends got so pissed that he punched his hand against the wall after the exam and complained like hell to the professor.
employment down
according to the government assessment (in nytimes), katrina will reduce employment by approx 400,000.. holly mama!! are they kidding me?? or they just want to blow up the figures!!
i am "sick"
i'm suffering from an illness. it is called senioritis. most people (seniors like me!!) suffer from this when they are about to graduate.
tomorrow is my exam but i have no urge to study. i am semi-retired from studying already. that is an extremely bad sign, considering that i have 13 weeks more before school officially ends.
"luckily", all my drinking kakis are not around anymore *sob*, if not i'm going to spend friday and saturday nights having fun and drinking before i step into the corporate world.
my labor day weekend!
i have been the ultimate slacker this labor day weekend. i have an exam this wednesday but i just studied for about 2 hours last friday and today and that is pretty much it. my brain can't register anything in this whole weekend. i guess it(my brain) knows that it is labor day and needs a break too, even though it is only the 2nd week of school.
on another note: i am very horrified by what's happening in new orleans. please, mighty lord, have mercy and grace on these people.
go to nytimes.com for pictures.
my hiking trip at chiracahua national monument
what happened yesterday
okay, so what the hell happened yesterday!
i'm lazy to tell the whole story. so... to put long story short ---- this was what happened. i was driving out from the back alley of mark's place yesterday and then this stupid drunken guy just suddenly came towards my car and fell flat onto the ground (i didn't want to help him immediately cause 1) i'm alone, 2) who knows if he is on drugs, 3) he might have weapon on him).
anyhow, because of this, i thought that i had hit him. i quickly reversed my car back to mark's place and got help. when my friends got there, he was lying on the ground, body straight (like a corpse) with blood bleeding from his nose and all over his face. for a spilt second, everyone thought that he was dead. i told mark i swear that i really didn't hit him cause i knew i didn't lah.... (this is part of the long story). we immediately called the police and i gave my statement. by the time the ambulance came, that guy had regained conscious and was slurring his way through. no one really knew what the heck he was talking about.. oh my, i have been drunk before but his level of drunkeness is power beyond power..
anyhow i'm just glad that he is alive. the reason why he was bleeding was when he fell, his whole face just fell flat onto the gravels on the road.
i'm so tired now. i just got back from my hike. it was really fun, will post pictures when i'm free.
KNN!! this is the first time i can feel shivers down my spine
i fucking hell thought that i killed someone just now. i'm still very much in shock. fuck!
no matter how pissed i am, i never curse on the blog but tonight i'm seriously shocked. i just got back home after giving the police my statement. 2 police cars and 1 ambulance came.
will blog about it after i have calmed down.
my little weekend starting!!
i'm off for a short drink with the girls tonight... and must wake up at 7+ tomorrow for a 3-4 hours hike...follow by TOM-YAM steamboat at zhenlin's place tmr night.maybe i will have some pictures up!!! seeya!
hurricane katrina
hurricane katrina is no joke. we were watching cnn just know and they reported that a shark broke lose from its tank (from the zoo) and was actually found swimming in town.
lindsay davenport
mark is a very happy man these days cause US OPEN-GRAND SLAM TENNIS is on. i don't understand why but they seldom telecast tennis on tv here so when the network decides to do it for the US OPEN, mark is happy beyond words.
and i find it amusing when he watches the competition, especially when lindsay davenport is playing. you know what he calls her------BULLDOG. he says she looks like one so everytime when he gets excited in the game(when she is playing), the word bulldog will be heard around the house. i don't think she looks like one though.. what do you think?